Nil Love For Nix -
Like clockwork discussions over the prolonged A-League offseason take place, some topics more predictable than others and some evoking more passion. Whilst the ‘B-League’ (No not the one with Sam Mac and Jules) will be the favourite topic of discussion until the foreseeable future, or at least until the FFA prove they are able to think laterally and entertain the idea. Personally I think we should put that discussion on the back burner for a little while and start discussing matters that can actually be obtainable in the short term. Promotion and relegation will always be a subject that many feel passionate about and rightly so but until we’re all relatively on the same page the tiered system won’t happen in Australia. Playing club football during a sanctioned international break has always been a bugbear for me, and the upcoming season is no different. The FFA continue to schedule A-League games during these times and as further salt into the wounds even start the season during an international weekend. Many clubs in the league won’t be affected by this action but Wellington in particular will be severely hampered by this and this will have consequences to their final standing in [...]
David Hards